Mano Singham gives the following description of Phillip Johnson's purpose:
"..the basic assumption that lies behind the superweak creationist position (Johnson 1991) is that there are two, and only two, possible explanations for the origin of life - creationism and evolution....If the arguments against evolution are serious enough to warrant skepticism of evolution, then creationism wins by default."
Mano Singham (2000): Quest for Truth (Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation, Bloomington, Indiana), p.33
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Critics' Motivation
Phillip Johnson's own description of his purpose:
My purpose is to examine the scientific evidence on its own terms, being careful to distinguish the evidence itself from any religious or philosophical bias that might distort our interpretation of that evidence…..The question I want to investigate is whether Darwinism is based on a fair assessment of the scientific evidence, or whether it is another kind of fundamentalism. (p. 14).
Exposing Darwinism to possible falsification would not imply support for any other theory, certainly not any pseudoscientific theory based upon a religious dogma. Accepting Popper's challenge is simply to take the first step towards understanding: the recognition of ignorance. Falsification is not a defeat for science, but a liberation. It removes the dead weight of prejudice, and thereby frees us to look for the truth. (1st Ed., p.154; 2nd Ed., p. 156)
Phillip E. Johnson Darwin on Trial
(1st Edition, 1991, Regnery Gateway, Washington DC)
(2nd Edition, 1993, InterVarsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois)